JAMS Panelist Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh is the Judge Danny Weinstein Managing Director of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law, where he also serves as Professor of Law and Practice and directs the LL.M programs. Dr. Singh oversees the Institute’s global outreach efforts, world-class professional training programs, and rigorous academic curriculum. His practice, teaching, and scholarship focus on cross-cultural dispute resolution, faith-based mediation, and utilizing modern theories, science, and technology to devise creative solutions for global disputes.
Dr. Singh is a successful international mediator and has resolved disputes in countries throughout the world—including in states across the United States, Canada, India, Japan and New Zealand, to name a few. He currently serves as the mediator for Willamette University’s Atkinson Graduate School of Management, where he identifies and resolves organizational conflicts, and for the City of Beverly Hills, where he was recently nominated for the city’s annual Peace Award.

He teaches various subjects in dispute resolution at Pepperdine, and he has previously taught at USC School of Law, Willamette University, Hamline University, as well as in India at the National Law University, where he was appointed Honorary Professor of Law, and at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law. In 2017, the Government of India recognized Dr. Singh as a GIAN scholar for his teaching in the field of dispute resolution. Dr. Singh’s work can be found in several journals and books on dispute resolution, and most recently he published, “Best Practices for Mediating Religious Conflicts” for American Bar Association.
Dr. Singh has given keynotes, lectures, and trainings on dispute resolution in more than 30 states across the United States, as well in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, India, Japan, Keyna, Korea, New Zealand, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, U.A.E, and United Kingdom. He has delivered online TEDx Talks on dispute resolution in relationships, titled “Negotiating for Love,” in 2015 and on professional identity titled “Made in India,” in 2018.

Upon earning his Bachelor of Law from India’s premier Law University, National Academy of Legal Studies and Research, Dr. Singh clerked for the Chief Justice of India, Justice R.C. Lahoti. He received an LL.M. in Dispute Resolution from the University of Missouri-Columbia and completed a post-graduate fellowship at Hamline University’s Dispute Resolution Institute. Dr. Singh received his doctorate from National Law University, Delhi with his work on Indo-American perspectives on Dispute Resolution. Professor Dr. Singh is an Honorary Fellow at the International Academy of Mediators (IAM), Co-chair for a Committee for the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Dispute Resolution, an Executive Committee Member for the American Association of Law School’s (AALS) Dispute Resolution Section, and an Executive Committee Member for the Pepperdine/Straus American Inns of Court for Dispute Resolution and serves on advisory committees for Rajiv Gandhi National Law University and Punjab University. He also serves on the board of the Weinstein International Foundation, an affiliate of JAMS International.
International Associations
Presently, Dr. Singh is an Honorary Fellow at the International Academy of Mediators (IAM), Co-chair for a Committee for the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Dispute Resolution, an Executive Committee Member for the American Association of Law School’s (AALS) Dispute Resolution Section, and an Executive Committee Member for the Pepperdine/Straus American Inns of Court for Dispute Resolution. In India, Dr, Singh serves on advisory committees for Rajiv Gandhi National Law University and Punjab University. He also serves on the board of the Weinstein International Foundation, an affiliate of JAMS International.


- Articles
- Books
- Presentations
- Publications
Forthcoming Articles
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, View of Marriage and Divorce from Sikh and Hindu Perspectives and the Impact of These Unique Cultural and Religious Orientations on Dispute Resolution for Marital Disputes in the U.S. (forthcoming)
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, In the Shadow of the Pandemic: Unearthing Unequal Access to Justice Vis-à-Vis Dispute Resolution, 68 WASH. U. J.L. & Pol’y 95 (2022) SSRN HeinOnline
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Working with Corporate Culture: Best Practices for Attorneys in Business, 56 WILLAMETTE L. REV. 397 (2020) SSRN HeinOnline
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh with Maura A. E. Pilotti, Khadija El Alaoui, Muamar Hasan Salameh & Huda Al Mulhem, The New and the Old: A Qualitative Analysis of Modes of Conflict Resolution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 25 INT’L NEGOT. 329 (2020) SSRN
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh with Khadija El Alaoui, Maura A. E. Pilotti & Muamar Hasan Salameh, The Education of Dispute Resolution in Al Jazeera Al Arabiya: A Case for a Culturally Engaging Pedagogy, EDUC. SCI., March 27, 2020, at 89 SSRN
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh & Alexine Carr, Global Dispute Resolution Conference: Reflections, Trends, and Continued Development, 20 PEPP. DISP. RESOL. L. J. 252 (2020) SSRN HeinOnline
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Access to Justice and Dispute Resolution Across Cultures, 88 FORDHAM L. REV. 2407 (2020) SSRN HeinOnline
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Best Practices for Mediating Religious Conflicts, ABA DISP. RESOL. MAG., Fall 2018, at 12.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Religious Arbitration and its Struggles with American Law & Judicial Review, 16 PEPP. DISP. RESOL. L.J. 360 (2016) HeinOnline
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Dispute Resolution Developments in India, ABA DISP. RESOL. MAG., Fall 2014, at 34 HeinOnline
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Beyond Foreign Policy: A Fresh Look at Cross-Cultural Negotiations and Dispute Resolution Based on the India-United States Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations, 14 CARDOZO J. CONFLICT RESOL. 105 (2012) SSRN HeinOnline
INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION WITH REFERENCE TO INDIA AS AN EMERGING HUB (Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh with Rajinder Kaur, eds., Thomson Reuters 2021)
Book Chapters/Contributions
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh and Lela Love, Building Circles of Trust: A Cross-Cultural Mediation, in STORIES MEDIATORS TELL (Lela Love & Eric Galton eds., ABA 2015)
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh et al., Bazaar Negotiations: How Different Is Negotiating in China, in RETHINKING NEGOTIATION TEACHING SERIES, VOL. 3 (DRI Press 2012)
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh and Lela Love, Following the Golden Rule and Finding Gold: Generosity and Success in Negotiation, in EDUCATING NEGOTIATORS FOR A CONNECTED WORLD, VOL. 4 (Christopher Honeyman et al. eds., DRI Press 2013)
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Judge Rebecca Westerfield, and Leonardo D’Urso, Best Practices in Virtual Mediation, Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship Program, June 11, 2020.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Judge Daniel Weinstein, and Judge Ann Williams, Mediating This Moment, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, June 5, 2020.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh and Ximena Bustamante, Improving our Identity as Mediators, Mediators Poet Society, May 30, 2020.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh and Steve Rottman, Esq., Mediating Remotely: Challenges and Benefits, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, May 27, 2020.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Making India the Seat of Dispute Resolution, Amity Law School, May 21, 2020.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Religious Mediation and Dispute Resolution: Resolving Disputes within Different Cultures and Religions, ABA, May 18, 2020.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Leonardo D’Urso, and Blazo Nedic, International Seminar on Culture, Apology, and Mediation, ADR Center Global, May 15, 2020.
Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh and Judge Daniel Weinstein, Navigating Cross-Cultural Challenges in COVID-19, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, April 22, 2020.